Educator, Working Mom, Vermonter, & Your Next Governor

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Endorsed by:

Howard Dean

Governor of Vermont 1991-2003

David Zuckerman

Lieutenant Governor of Vermont

Emma Mulvaney-Stanak

Mayor of Burlington

Esther Charlestin

Meet Esther Charlestin

A dedicated educator, a devoted working mom, and a Vermonter by choice, Esther embodies the values of persistence, resilience, and advocacy. The eldest child of immigrant parents, she witnessed firsthand the virtues of hard work and the American dream, manifested by a mother who worked 80-hour weeks to provide for Esther and her siblings. Through her mother’s example, Esther absorbed the lesson that meaningful achievements require effort. Her parents also impressed on her the importance of education, urging her to succeed academically. This Esther did, achieving an undergraduate degree in History and Communication, a Master of Science in Corporate Communication and Public Relations, and a Master of Arts in Teaching. While pursuing her degrees, Esther welcomed two beautiful children, who each day teach her  empathy, patience, and compassion.

Esther chose to move to Vermont, where her children receive a quality education while enjoying a peaceful country lifestyle, filled with fun, outdoor adventures, visits to the local library, and Saturday trips to the farmers market. She immediately embraced the opportunities for fellowship Vermont affords. As she pursued her career, taking on diverse roles in higher ed and in the public school system, she ran a successful campaign for the Middlebury Selectboard. In 2023, she received a Leahy Award for exceptional leadership in the community. She currently co-chairs the State of Vermont’s Commission on Women, a role that reflects Esther’s dedication to creating a just and equitable world, where every voice is heard and respected.

Devoted wife, working mom, change agent, and educator, Esther continues to weave her life experiences and principles into a tapestry of advocacy, hard work, and community engagement.

We can’t do this without YOU!

Thank you for your support!


Sustainable Education Systems & Affordable Childcare for All


Attainable Housing & Livability


Climate Resilience & A Just Energy Transition
